lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2008

The smartest thieves in San Antonio

Hola a todos........I'm in Texas for various reasons, visiting friends and today checking out the UT campus!!! Cross your fingers for that acceptance letter...........

After being in Texas for 2 HOURS this is what happened....

I haven't been in Texas since I was 5 years old. I was actually born here! Apparentely the thieves in San Antonio wanted to give me a nice welcome back.

John and I went to lunch and to the mercado and were gone a MAXIMUM of 2 hours, we had paid for the car to be WATCHED in this parking area. Well, the man you pay to watch the cars DIDN'T and we got back to the car and it had been broken into.

Now, smart thieves would have taken my entire suitcase (2 of them actually) but these guys did not find the laptop under the seat (john's) and instead of just taking my suitcases emptied them out and took specific items.

They took
my suitcases (not full, but with the items they liked, afterwards I picked up things and said, HEY why didn't they take this!!?! this is nice!!!! what's wrong with them!?!)
my running shoes and all the gear (ipod, watch that chip that my brother gave me for christmas)
my salsa shoes
all my new clothes and old fancy schmancy clothes
ONLY my new socks (no tags or anything, they just inspected, those expensive running socks)
tin of cookies
all the body shop stuff
my journal (written ALLL IN spanish and ironically, THEY CAN READ IT because they are mexican! You'll find out how I know below....)
john's entire bag and cowboy hats

they didn't empty the whole bag, they actually left a lot, but you know broke the window..

Important PIECE: they took John's phone
So I CALLED THE PHONE to see if they would pick up...and they picked up TWICE!

john (J) you stole our stuff
guy: No I didn't I bought this phone off of a friends
J> no it's mine, and we can find you because we have the fingerprints
guy; Man can you call me back, I'm at work right now
John> ummmm, NO, we want our stuff back, are you having fun prancing around in those salsa shoes?
guy: I'm not even wearing those shoes
john>send back the salsa shoes and the ipod and i wont press charges
guy; no way

they talked for AT Least 10 minutes then I have been texting them back and forth and calling them because Johns phone was a prepaid so they are continuing to use it. They just say, hey what's up? que onda?

I'm sure they are having a GREAT time reading my journal IN SPANISH

two days later (in Austin) John's car got towed at Julianne's apartment complex....THE LUCK!!!!

3 comentarios:

Greta dijo...

Oh no! I hate that so much of your stuff was stolen. What a bummer :(.

But it IS hilarious that you are texting back and forth with the theives. Love it!

Rebecca dijo...

Never a dull moment in Kristin's life! I can't believe you get there and they steal your stuff...and the things they took... your salsa shoes? Crazy! How funny that you guys can talk to these people though!

franciscovna dijo...

chica! what an eventful trip so far...damn. i'm just shaking my head. keep harassing them! and have fun in austin! hi to john and julianne! xoxo